Puni naponom od 11.6v


Well-known member
I ti si pročitao da sam ja čoveku rekao da skine klemu ? Pa šta je vama ljudi ?!
Gdje sam ja napisao da sam pročitao da si ti rekao da skine klemu!? Ja sam samo potvrdio njegovo mišljenje da se akumulator ne odspaja dok je motor u pogonu


Well-known member
Gdje sam ja napisao da sam pročitao da si ti rekao da skine klemu!? Ja sam samo potvrdio njegovo mišljenje da se akumulator ne odspaja dok je motor u pogonu
U pravu si, ne pišpe . Nekda se nešto podrazumeva. :) Eto ja ću se izvinuti za razliku od golege koji je meni održao predavanje. Ja sam pominjao kleme da se provere- kontakti, a za to motor ne treba da radi , to svi znamo. Sve se proveri pa se skida alternator.


Well-known member
U pravu si, ne pišpe . Nekda se nešto podrazumeva. :) Eto ja ću se izvinuti za razliku od golege koji je meni održao predavanje.
Ma sve 5,bitno da pomognemo koliko znamo iako je ponekad bolje ne dijeliti savjete jer zapravo neki ljudi nemaju praktičnog iskustva da iskoriste savjet


Well-known member
Uredništvo foruma
A sad pitanje za vas stručne, zašto se akumulator ne smije otpojiti dok radi motor? Pitam za objašnjenje.
Your battery does more than just provide electricity. It also shorts AC, spikes and transients to ground. Removing the battery from the circuit allows those spikes and transients to travel around, endangering every semiconductor circuit in your car. The ECU, the speed sensitive steering, the memory seat adjustments, the cruise control, and even the car's stereo.

Even if your computers and stereo remain intact, in a great many cases removing the battery burns out the diodes in the alternator, necessitating a new alternator. If disconnecting the battery interferes with the voltage regulator's control voltage input, it's possible for the alternator voltage to go way over the top (I've heard some say hundreds of volts), frying everything.

Even the initial premise was wrong. If you disconnect the battery and the car conks out, you don't know if it conked out due to insufficient alternator current, or whether the resulting transients caused your ECU (the car's computer, which controls fuel mixture, timing, and much more) to spit out bad data, shutting down the car.



Donator foruma
Your battery does more than just provide electricity. It also shorts AC, spikes and transients to ground. Removing the battery from the circuit allows those spikes and transients to travel around, endangering every semiconductor circuit in your car. The ECU, the speed sensitive steering, the memory seat adjustments, the cruise control, and even the car's stereo.

Even if your computers and stereo remain intact, in a great many cases removing the battery burns out the diodes in the alternator, necessitating a new alternator. If disconnecting the battery interferes with the voltage regulator's control voltage input, it's possible for the alternator voltage to go way over the top (I've heard some say hundreds of volts), frying everything.

Even the initial premise was wrong. If you disconnect the battery and the car conks out, you don't know if it conked out due to insufficient alternator current, or whether the resulting transients caused your ECU (the car's computer, which controls fuel mixture, timing, and much more) to spit out bad data, shutting down the car.

Prema ovome, akumulator na sebe preuzima sve strujne udare.
Jel to razlog zašto akumulatori u današnjim autima traju kraće, više elektronike=češći udari?


Well-known member
Prema ovome, akumulator na sebe preuzima sve strujne udare.
Jel to razlog zašto akumulatori u današnjim autima traju kraće, više elektronike=češći udari?
Traju kraće kao i sve ostalo u potrošačkom svijetu današnjice. Nije to razlog, tih "udara" bilo je i u starim automobilima. Primjer, prilikom isključenja rele 12V na svojoj špuli razvije špicu napona i do 600-800 volti u trajanju od par milisekundi što može biti kobno za elektroniku, ukoliko na špuli nema zaštite od prenapona. Relea je bilo i nekad i ima ih danas, postoje zaštite od prenapona a akumulator se može smatrati jednom od njih, iako mu to naravno nije primarna funkcija u autu


Moj alternator ke Valeo 9665617780, oznake CL15, D45/09. Vidim da ima i oznaka po internetu S20, S30 itd..
Šta znače, u čemu je razlika?
Moj alternator ke Valeo 9665617780, oznake CL15, D45/09. Vidim da ima i oznaka po internetu S20, S30 itd..
Šta znače, u čemu je razlika?
Moj alternator ke Valeo 9665617780, oznake CL15, D45/09. Vidim da ima i oznaka po internetu S20, S30 itd..
Šta znače, u čemu je razlika?
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