Filmovi serije filmovi


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Vrlo dobar film. Normalnog trajanja do 90 minuta. Na prvu sci-fi, ali zapravo etičko-filozofsko putovanje.

P.S. Ovaj iznad "Bellow her mouth". Isusebože, očaja. Trebao sam slušati review na RottenTomatoes. Jeidno što u filmu valja je nekoliko scena lezbijskog seksa. Doduše, da imam 15-16 godina, vjerojatno bi mi to bilo super, ali ovako s 50+ mi je maaah! I've seen better. :D Film nema nikakvu kinematografsku ni umjetničku vrijednost osim masturbativnih, a kome je do toga, ima internetish destinacija bezbroj. Suludo je, ako je ikome do toga, trošiti 90 minuta života na neki kvazi-film. Imam osjećaj da je film snimljen a) da se ekipa zabavi na setu i b) opere neka lova iz raznih pro-gay fondacija.
Posljednje uređivanje:


Homo sapiens
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Za vikend pogledao
Good, bad and ugly(1966), extended, traje 3 sata.
Ne znam koliko sam ga puta gledao, danas ne mogu da snime takav film

Path of glory(1957) rediteljski prvenac Kjubrika. Kad sam ga gledao, imao sam osecaj da je juče snimljen


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Ima i onaj Ronin dosta natjerivanja, ali mislim baš na filmove di auto praktički ima glavnu ulogu


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Vecina komedija koje su izasle poslednjih godina, osim 1 dijela hangovera, koje sam gledao su mi na nivou priglupih klinaca od 12 godina, prepune glupih fazona koi nisu smijesni, ali ovoj sam se posteno ismijao. Onako gomila glupih ali jako smijesnih scena.
Gledao sa par prijatelja, bas smo se ismijali
Da, film je neočekivano zabavan i smiješan. :D

- What's a rim job, Dad?

I would guess a rim job is when you kiss someone with your mouth closed.

-It... It felt like it was something way dirtier.

No, I mean, what else could it be? Now, I hope you're not too old to let your Dad give you a good-night rim job.


I scena kad mali sjedi s onom curom u motelu:

So... What do you feel like doing?

- Can I give you a rim job?

Whoa! No! What's wrong with you?


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Jedan od boljih iz sedamdesetih je i Vanishing Point.
Nisam znao da postoje dvije verzije. Tek danas sam saznao da postoji i UK verzija koja je skoro osam minuta duža.

"If one believes the information on the internet, Vanishing Point has been edited for about seven minutes briefly after wrap. Those seven minutes basically include one scene with Charlotte Rampling who plays a hitchhiker. Apperantly 20th Century Fox was afraid audiences wouldn't understand the heavily allegoric scene and so it had to be cut. Furthermore first negative reviews made the studio heads ceasing to show confidence for the movie and so it quickly disappeared from the theaters. However in Europe and especially England the opposite occured. The movie ran in its entirety – featuring the scene with Rampling, who is British herself – and became very succesful which resulted in the movie getting a second theatrical run in den United States as a double feature with The French Connection.
It's questionable if the British version of the film has also been shown in other European countries or if it was UK exclusive, but it's a fact that most DVD releases only carry the US theatrical version (even the UK release). Only the US DVD contains both versions on a flipper disc.

Running time US version: 98:41 Min. (NTSC)
Running time UK version: 105:42 Min. (NTSC)

Sad moram gledati i UK verziju. :)
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