C4 Cactus redizajn


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Novi C4 Cactus prvi put u Europi uvodi ovjese s progresivnim hidrauličnim graničnicima (Progressive Hydraulic Cushions™ – PHC) kojima se uvelike omogućuje dojam letećeg tepiha i prvi put u svijetu predstavlja sjedala Advanced Comfort.

Kako za ovo prvi puta čujem , koji je to vrag ?

Evo ipak našao nešto :



Neki low tech, prerano sam se poveselio, vidićemo kakav je , čim dođe u hr idem probati.

This one could be a game changer not only for Citroën but for PSA Peugeot Citroën overall. The hydropneumatic suspension designed by Paul Mages and used by various Citroën models since the 1950s will be replaced by progressive hydraulic cushions.

Citroën put the new technology to the test in what they call their Citroën Advanced Comfort, a C4 Cactus with hydropneumatic suspension instead of MacPherson struts at the front and a torsion beam at the rear. Automobile Magazine recently got an opportunity to test the prototype on a variety of roads and the feedback can be summed up in two words: thumbs up!
Approximately 20 patents have been applied for by Citroën for the progressive hydraulic cushions, and the company claims that it is a big improvement over Hydractive 3+, the final iteration of the Citroën’s hydropneumatic suspension, particularly in terms of cost. To retain the magic carpet ride of the Hydractive, Citroën tuned the progressive hydraulic cushions in such a way that the technology replicates the feel of Hydroactive 3+.

Citroën is presently keeping very tight lipped about about many aspects of the progressive hydraulic cushions. They are saying that the first production car to adopt the revolutionary technology will be launched in late 2017. And yes, Citroën is going to share its Progressive Hydraulic Cushion suspension with the DS and Peugeot brands.

We’ll eat small a piece of humble pie about our criticism last month of PSA’s strategy for returning to North America where we said their products today are not technologically innovative. This suspension certainly is, and may help differentiate PDA’s brands here from the competition. Unlike Hydractive suspension where hydraulic pressure could be utilized for other features, like steering and braking, Progressive Hydraulic Cushion is relegated to suspension only. Given that these other systems are engineered to operate optimally on an individual basis in today’s automobiles, Progressive Hydraulic Cushion makes sense as it is equally effective, and arguably superior to hydropneumatic suspension and can be deployed much easier across a broad range of PSA’s brands and model offerings.

Po ovome je to definitvni kraj za hidrauličare kakve poznajemo.
Posljednje uređivanje:


Meni je super dizajnerski i to sto vecina modela slici jedna na druge.

Medjutim posto ovaj auto mjenja C4 i C4 Cactus mislim da je unutrasnjost mogla biti malo bogatija i mozda malo ozbiljnija :/

Trenutni (ilitiga bivsi sad) C4 iznutra je miljama bolji od Cactusa.

Trebat ce sjest i pogledat, ovako na prvu mi se cini kao mjesto gdje su stedili da ne bude preskup tj vjerovatno jeftiniji od trenutnog C4 a nesto skuplji od Cactusa pretpostavljam.


vjerovatno nakon kupnje Opela od strane PSA im ne treba jos jedna konkurencija 308-ici :)

Intervjui (na kojem CEO Citroena potvrdjuje kraj za C4) + overview auta ima ovdje:


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Uredništvo foruma
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Još par detalja... naspram C4, međuosovinski sada ima 1cm razlike u korist starog modela. Gepek nije dramatično manji, 360 naspram 380l.
Dimenzije sveukupno jesu manje, ali su dovoljno blizu da zadovolji većinu starih kupaca. A kao poticaj ili nagrada im stiže puno više opreme nego u starom C4.... uz naravno očekivanu manju cijenu.
Prvi testovi i naruđbe kreću početkom sljedeće godine.



Well-known member
Jadan trudi se pronaci rupe i grbe na cesti, nek dođe u Hr snimat :D
Sta, nista od spustanja zadnjih prozora?


Dado Tornado
cijena će kretati od cca. 125-130 000 kn, biti će kao trenutni c4, zericu skuplji od c3 aircrossa.

ima ih u konfiguratorima citroen francuske, britanije, slovenije, vjerojatno i drugdje


New member
Ovaj Progressive Hydraulic Cushions™ – PHC, hoce li ga u aftermarket varijanti ponuditi i za aktualno odlazeci C4? Bas bi bilo super.


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Uredništvo foruma
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Mislim da su šanse za to nikakve, ali uz dovoljno love se uvijek može ugraditi zračni ovjes ;)


Ovaj Progressive Hydraulic Cushions™ – PHC, hoce li ga u aftermarket varijanti ponuditi i za aktualno odlazeci C4? Bas bi bilo super.
Možda se smisli nešto. Neki adapteri za prihvat, neka firma koja prerađuje...


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Uredništvo foruma
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Ma to tek nema šanse... različiti su to auti, platforme, preko 100kg razlike u masi.
Na vrh