Zaboravljen kôd za autoradio


New member
ok :)

probat cu...hvala ti

...super...pronasao sam kod...hvala :)

ali mi radio kad ga upalim neda mogucnost unosa

odmah se prebaci na "err code"


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Uredništvo foruma
Donator foruma
internet kaže: je rekao:
Please note that code entry is only possible when "CODE" is shown in the display. If display continually shows "ERR CODE" then the unit is codelocked it will need to be left switched on up for up to two hours to reset before another code entry attempt is possible. If it does not reset after this time, then all of your code entry attempts may have been used up, and the unit will need to be sent to us to be decoded and reset, details of which can be found below.
Nači treba resetirat radio kad je ta greška... pustit ga upaljenog, i trebalo bi se to desit unutar dva sata. I onda upisat. Ako to ne funkcionira, morat ćeš kod profesionalaca...
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